Monday, July 4, 2011

Happy 4th of July!

Today was a little piece of America. My friend Heather and I walked around for an hour and a half doing a three-legged race practice. As you can see in our picture, we even played soccer and volleyball with our legs tied together. The kitchen took requests, and we had hamburgers and hotdogs, potato salad and ice cream. Admittedly, all these items still had some African flare, but the Americans all thought it was great! However, we did notice that none of the Tanzanians seemed to like our nation's food...

In the evening we had a talent show and people sang tons of beautiful songs. I showed off my hand walking and juggling skills :)

We also attempted s'mores. Apparently the concept of Graham Crackers is also foreign, so we used biscuits. They built a GIANT FIRE, maybe a little too big... We felt like we were trying to roast marshmallows on a forest fire. We couldn't get within three feet of the fire. There is a group of engineers here, and we worked together using marshmallows as glue to create longer sticks for roasting. We laid on the ground and covered our faces like we learned you do when escaping a burning house, and even then, only a few marshmallows reached their golden brown potential.

4th of July Tanzanian style!

HAPPY 4th of JULY!!!!

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