Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Wema Movie

I gave my final presentation of my movie for my film class today, to an audience of students and faculty at Harvard. Two finals tomorrow, so not much time to blog, but check out www.wemachildrenscentre.org. It has been updated, and there are two videos to see, one on the main section, and one under Donate :)

The picture of the day is a screen shot is of my finished DVD, ready to play.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Laura's Critique on a Historic Moment

They say it will be one of those moments where you will remember exactly where you were when you found out. I was working on my spanish presentation, I checked my email, and there it was Osama Bin Laden Dead. I didn't even realize what a big deal it was at first, but the whole college and in the whole world seemed to be celebrating.

Half the house gathered around the TV in the basement to watch Obama speak.

Something like 300 students gathered in front of the John Harvard statue to sing "God Bless America," "Ten Thousand Men of Harvard," "Na na na na, hey hey hey, goodbye," the Mexican Hat Dance, and other relevant and appropriate songs.

Yet, to celebrate death, no matter how awful the man was, makes me uncomfortable. While I think this is an event that will bring many closure, there is a difference between accepting the need to take life to secure our nation, and reveling in it. I don't see much dignity in delighting in death. I am thankful that such a man will no longer be able to help harm people, but I worry excessive patriotism may only worsen tensions. To make a martyr out of Osama is the last thing we want to do. I want to celebrate justice, and the brighter future this will hopefully bring, not the event of killing itself. Celebrate justice, not death.

On a lighter note, I find it hilarious that apparently, people can't keep our president and the most wanted terrorist in the world straight...


Sunday, May 1, 2011

Adventures in Spring Formal Land

So there I was, in my high heels and curled hair carrying a giant hammer across the courtyard. So there I was, kneeling in the hallway in my shiny golden-brown dress, hammering as hard as I could. So there I was, tying rubber band after rubber band onto my dress. So, I'm a little disaster, that's OK :) This formal was all about fixing things.

So, here's the story...

Miriam bought a dress, but they forgot to take off the security tag, and we realized this half an hour before we had to go, so we frantically searched the internet on how to remove security tags (not at all suspicious...) and the websites all agreed that just smashing it hard enough would probably work. Miriam had to get ready, so I went asking around for a hammer, and got down to business. In my full formal attire, I began smashing at the plastic tag for all it was worth. Man those things are tough! I got a lot of weird looks, but in the end it worked! Well, kind of... It left a lot of holes in the dress, so I wouldn't suggest it as the best way to remove tags (sorry all you thieves out there...)

Anyway, so we get to the dance, and my straps won't stay on my shoulders, so luckily I had tons of rubber bands on my wrists from my paper route (they tie the newspapers together with rubber bands). So, we tied the straps together in the back with rubber bands. BUT, as soon as I started to dance again, the strap snapped off! Luckily, it was rubber bands to the rescue! A few more, and I was set. The rest of the night was great :)

Also! Meet my new blockmates for next year. In the Kirkland outside picture from left to right we have Sar (Sarvagna), Sarah, Madeline, me, and Andrew. Then Serena is the one to the far left of the aquarium picture, and Juhi is in the pink dress in the dancing picture. I heart them! And I heart my roommates. My blocking family just got a lot bigger.