Saturday, August 20, 2011

Hiking in Seattle

I'm home in the beautiful northwest and appreciating a lot, appreciating my parents, and looking back on all that has happened this year, appreciating all the amazing opportunities I have had. I've grown up a lot this year, realized more of who I am and who I want to be, and frankly had a lot of FUN. Thanks everyone for a great year.

We have but 9 days left together on this journey of 365 days, 365 pictures, so let's look back and see how we did. We have 361 pictures, so we just need 4 more to be perfect. That's pretty cool, because I didn't even try!

My dad and I went to Mount Rainier when my whole family from Pennsylvania came to visit, and then today we did a 6 hour hike at Tiger Mountain. We were just walking along, when suddenly a very frightening troll jumped out and attacked a hiker in front of us! You have to be careful of bridges, you know. The police are still investigating. (Picture 1)

Besides, the troll incident, hiking has been a great time to catch up with my dad. College makes you understand your parents as separate entities from yourself and after bering away, it is so nice to realize your parents as friends instead of the person who makes you go to bed and do your homework :)

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