Thursday, August 4, 2011

Shuleni (At the school)

For our last outing, we went to a local elementary school. The best part was whenDaniel, one of the students on the trip told the kids that if they sang a song, I would start dancing, and so I agreed. In the midst of a group of maybe 40 kids clapping and singing, I broke down my dance moves to the uproarious laughter and clapping of the group.

Let me tell you, Tanzanians put us Americans to shame with their dance moves. They can dance! They can shake! They can move! In America, the guys don't usually do much more than sway back and forth, but here everyone knows the steps to dances, as well as how to boogie on their own.

A little boy came to the middle of the circle of clapping children to dance with me, and his amazing dance skills showed me up, but everyone had fun :)

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