Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Pictures From Kenya

I studied abroad in Mombasa, Kenya over the summer and ended up meeting with all the directors of Wema orphanage from Bungoma, Kenya. The story of the orphanage is that it started as a school, but western Kenya has the highest AIDS death rates in all of Kenya, so the school began taking in orphans and children who could not afford to pay, but as the ratio of paying students to orphans increased, it left them in financial trouble. They have a tree farm, and do some gardening/farming to reduce food costs, but they have problems with safe drinking water and lack of dormitories for the students, as well as they need a new engine for their school bus. They will have to close down unless they can figure out how to become more sustainable.

Hence, I have been dong some fundraising and I am hoping to work with them over J-term to try some projects to help with sustainability. We have discussed getting chickens, increasing profits for their adult education programs on trades such as brick-laying and sewing, or doing such things as using their computer lab as a cyber-cafe. They also would like help making a website to help get international donations to help with some base costs such as the clean water and a new engine for their bus.

Anyway, as for the picture of the day, I sent Wema a few hundred childrens books, and my uncle Ron and aunt Elizabeth Moller donated the money to send them (Thank you so much to the whole Moller family!)

Just today they sent me pictures of children with the books and it completely made my day. I am so excited to go stay in the orphanage with the children with another Harvard friend.

Living with 300 kids. Me. One month. It is going to be crazy and AMAZING!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Laura!

    Well done about this orphanage! I sent you a message via facebook offering you some support to your fund raising for this vey go cause, did you get it? If you are still doing it I would be happy to contribute!


