Sunday, October 17, 2010

New Hampshire, New Friends, New Adventures

7 students
+ one tutor
+ 2.5 hour car drive
+ 1 wooden cabin in the woods
tons of fun.

Here are the top ten reasons why the trip was fantastic!
10. Cooking Annie's Macaroni and Cheese on a gas stove (including lighting the stove without burning the cabin down... but that's another story.)
9. Sliding down the stairs on mattresses.
8. Trying to find the outhouse and ending up spending 10 minutes trying to open the woodshed.
7. Driving to Vermont to go maple syrup and cheese tasting.
6. Hiking up to the cabin across tilted wood planks covering streams in the pitch
blackness of night.

5. Climbing to the top of a fifty-foot tall fire tower where we could see the whole valley.
4. Throwing a frisbee off the fire tower and spending the next hour using compasses, pictures, and visual directions from people running up and down the water tower to figure out where the frisbee was and throwing rocks and sticks at it until, finally the wind knocked it down (we definitely loosened it with our sticks and rocks).
3. The warmth of a fireplace when it is freezing and pouring rain outside.
2. Playing Twister, Taboo, and Mafia until 2:00 in the morning.
1. New friends :)


  1. HAHA aww Laura this is a great post! <3 =)

  2. So WHY were you on this amazing trip? Were you supposed to be getting tutored?
