Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Happy Valentines Day!

Believe it or not, my adventures in my sophomore year, our 365 days together are about half way up! We started August 25, and in a few days we are at our 6th month mark. With 178 pictures out of 365, we are just about half way there too!

On another note, Happy Valentines Day! I organized a Date Auction with Rebecca for Kirkland House, with all the money going toward Breast Cancer Research. I bought balloons and we made paper hearts, and played romantic music, and auctioned off over a dozen volunteers for dates. I participated too, and I was bought for $27 by a tutor. Although the idea of auctioning off people at first seemed a little too reminiscent of slavery, it was actually really fun, and we raised about $400. Pretty good :)

Also, my friend Meredith from the Kenya trip wrote all about it in two newspapers. Check it out!


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