Sunday, January 30, 2011

Hey Harvard! Nice snow you've got there

Hey Harvard! Nice snow you've got there- about two feet of it. Impressive. I've never seen so much snow except at a ski resort.

I'm back and down to business. The only downside of it all is that it took me forever to get rid of the jet-lag! Considering that Kenya is 11 hours different, that's a lot of time zones! I was getting up at 3 am for the first few days, but I'm finally re-adjusted.

Some exciting developments:

1. I got a new job :) Every morning, I get to deliver the Crimson (the Harvard Newspaper). That means I'm up at 7:00 AM every morning, waddling through the snow with an arm full of papers.

2. I've got a whole new load of classes. I'm taking Swahili, Spanish, a sophomore tutorial on African and African American Studies, and Film for Social Change, where I am learning about how to make documentaries and edit/make films. Pretty cool!

3. Quidditch Season has started up again, but our first practice didn't exactly go as planned. Our playing field has been converted into the official snow dumping area, with piles 10 and 12 feet high. Plus, our half hour practice was interrupted twice by dump trucks of snow being deposited on our playing field... We are playing a team from Finland in two weeks, so hopefully we'll get this whole snow problem figured out by then.

Until next time!


P.S. Welcome to February! As you can tell, I've changed my background in honor of Valentine's Day!

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