Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Fleeting Summer Days

Day 2

"No spring nor summer beauty hath such grace
as I have seen in one autumnal face"

-Autumn quote by John Donne

Tomorrow is my last day here in Seattle, and I noticed today that the leaves are beginning to drift slowly to cover the browning flowers and blooming grasses of summer. The house itself looks as if an autumn whirlwind has torn the clothes and books, school supplies off their shelves and spread them in glorious colors throughout the house, covering tables and floors in the fall packing frenzy. My brother and I are slowly racking them into piles to sort and bring with us as we too migrate away for the coming year...

The picture of the day is a picture my fake sister Kiana McCrackin took when I went to visit her at her college in Santa Barbara this last week. She is a truly talented artist and photographer. (http://mccrackinphotography.wordpress.com/)

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