Thursday, January 20, 2011

Last Day!

Our last day. My last blog in Kenya. So many lasts!

There are so many little things here, that you either have to get frustrated or just laugh at the world. For example, they installed locks on our door to make us safer, but they installed the door handle upside down, so you can’t open the door from the inside. Time and time again we have forgotten and closed the door, locking ourselves in the room, and having to be rescued. When there is no water to shower for the 4th day, when the toilet won’t flush, when you are awoken time and time again by dogs or roosters or wild lions sitting hungry out your window ready to eat you (just kidding) we have all learned just to laugh at the situation and appreciate the things that do work even more. I am so excited for a hot shower, for my own bed, and especially for clean feet! I can’t wait for clean feet.

Today we taught for the last time at the lower school, and were greeted by cheering children at the gate, wanting to touch us, to hold our hands, just to spend time with us. When they heard it was our last day, we almost got trampled by a mob of children, climbing on tables, singing the songs we taught them at the top of their lungs. It was a joyous goodbye.

We took more pictures, as all the teachers wanted pictures together to remember. We played outside one more time, spinning the little ones around and just talking with the older ones about life. We bought and ate lots of mangos and pineapple and all the other fruits that will never be as sweet back in America.

As a final gesture, we left the pictures we took on their computer. This computer was undoubtedly the biggest contribution we have made to the school.  Teresa and Steven, having never used a computer before, now are comfortable with email and Microsoft Word, and they are so excited about what these new skills will do for them and their hundreds of children.

As we watched the sun set over the sugarcane fields one more time, we realized what an incredible three weeks we have spent we truly inspirational people. Teresa and Steven put everything they have into the lives of these children, completely devoting their lives to uplifting their community. We promised to return, knowing that what we built here will be life-long relationships.

Goodbye to the beautiful people here at Wema. You will be dearly missed.





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