Thursday, January 20, 2011

Second to last day

So my day started off at 2:00 AM, when I was awakened by something falling on my head and all round me. I thought the roof was falling down, that is until I realized our resident rat was dropping little digested presents on me, as well as knocking dirt down from the rafters. I moaned in a half-asleep state and begged Esther to let me sleep with her for the rest of the night.

Once the rooster crowed and the day really began, we did a lot! In the morning we went to visit one of the directors, Steven, at the sugar factory where he works. He uses the money from his job to support the orphanage, keeping just enough of it to take care of his family. The factory was pretty impressive. We saw the giant truckloads of sugarcane, the chopping of the cane, the melting and boiling, and the condensing into sugar. Plus, we got to taste it every step of the way! We got to walk in between the steaming pumping hissing load machines and up on the platforms just like the workers, something that in a security and safety-minded America wouldn’t be possible. We returned and taught classes, played with the kids, and finished taking pictures of all the orphans.

Just sitting and talking with the kids at night was wonderful. They had so many questions about America and my life, and they all just wanted to touch my hair, something they had been too shy to ask before.

I began packing today, and tomorrow is our last day.

Night all!


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