Sunday, January 2, 2011

We are here!

Two days of airplane travel later, we arrived. The road from Kisumu to Bungoma was the most pot-holed road I have ever seen. It was paved, but it would probably have been faster if the whole road was unpaved because the holes every few yards went all the way down to the dirt below. Zigging and zagging crossing back and forth, bottom of the car scraping, we bumped along. Suitcases on our laps and between our legs, we went onward for hour after hour, the sun setting, and onward into the blackness, we at last arrived.

And wow, were we welcomed. Even though it was pitch black, over 100 orphans came out to meet us, chanting "Welcome!" to us. They danced and sang, and thanked us, and we paradrf to the other side of campus, where they sang more! They had been practicing just for us. We shook every child's hand, and the children followed us all the way back to our rooms, and we left them with promises of being together tomorrow.

They had cooked us an amazing meal with chapati, rice, meat from a cow killed for their graduation ceremony and for our arrival, potatoes, soup, and more. We were really hungry, as well as taken aback and flattered with our welcome.

And, another wonderful surprise was the stars. I have never seen so many stars. They say sunsets are beautiful here, but I had no idea how many stars are in the sky.

Wishing on one that you are all enjoying your new year.

Good night (our first in Kenya) from some exhausted, excited, and elated travelers.


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