Friday, December 10, 2010

My life in a Closet

As you recall, I live in a closet. It was the only way my roommate Miriam and I could de-bunk, and it has actually turned out to be quite handy. It's cozy inside, and since we have very different schedules, she can have the light on in the main room while it can be dark enough for me to sleep in my cute little nook. And, I can have the light on at 7:30 in the morning and study there without waking up Miriam.

But anyway, this last week, I found a new use for my closet! If I fold the mattress up, I can close the door to the closet and have a tiny room of my own to hull myself up in and study. I had a huge paper due today for my African studies class about how food aid can act like any other natural resource and can be stolen and used to feed violence and war. So, I brought my laptop and all my books inside, taped all my ideas all around me, and just didn't come out of my closet until I was done with my rough draft.

I'm procrastinating at the moment, but come 5:00 PM tonight, I will be officially done with all my classes except for one final in statistics!

Now a week of freedom lies in front of me! What ever shall I do?

I heart you, closet :)

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