Saturday, December 4, 2010

Secret Santa Part 3

Here is the final book in amazing saga of magic and wonder that is Secret Santa Week!!!!

First, we made my roommate Miriam into the Skittles girl by making a rainbow in the basement, and then blindfolded her, kidnapped her, and dragged her away from studying, and thew Skittles at her to let her taste the rainbow!!!! (Picture 1)

The same day, I returned to find my room (closet) full of balloons! (Picture 2).
There were so many, and I am scared of popping balloons, so I just slept with all the balloons the last 2 nights.

My roommates even made a skit for me, where they dressed in African clothes and read off the "7 best things about Laura" in Swahili using Google Translator (It was terrible Swahili but I love them anyway)!!!

Last night was the dinner and dance for Kirkland, with beautifully decorated tables, wine, and speeches. It was very fancy, and I love this picture of my roommates and I all dressed up! (Picture 3)

Then after dinner we got to find out our Santas!!! Here is a picture of me and my Santee!
(Picture 4)

Kirkland house has a tradition called "Incestfest" where everyone goes to a big suite in Kirkland, where the only decoration is mistletoe, and well... there is a lot of people holding mistletoe above people's heads and kissing... AND every year they come up with the top ten people to kiss, and I was #2! I had already decided I wasn't going to kiss anyone, so I was a little scared... But I kissed a lot of people on the cheek and my guy friends protected me :)

What a crazy amazing week!

I have one 10-12 page paper for Africa Studies, one Spanish essay, one final for Swahili, one paper and one final for Statistics, and then I'll be done!

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