Saturday, June 4, 2011

Chilling in Seattle

2 weeks 1 day until I leave for Tanzania and I'm so excited to be home!
2 weeks until I leave for Tanzania, unpacking, lots of time with my mom :) So happy to be home.
13 days until I leave, and I'm getting a little bored... Walked 8 miles with Misha because I didn't know what else to do. I tied her up in front of Barnes and Noble for 10-15 minutes and apparently my Mom got a call from a concerned citizen saying they were going to call the police for animal abuse for leaving my dog tied up in the hot sun. Oops...
12 days until I leave, and seriously... that's a long time... What am I going to do?

Hanging out with my dog and my mom, enjoying the beautiful greenness of Seattle, (IT IS SO GREEN!) but miss all my Harvard friends! Thinking of you all!

Also, if you live anywhere near Seattle and you are reading this, let's hang out!


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