Wednesday, June 1, 2011


Giant insects, huge frogs, and lots and lots of mud. That was my first impression of Nicaragua. We have had many adventures in finding insects in our beds, shoes, clothes, etc, but the wildlife really represents how alive everything is here. It is so green, with mango trees, papayas, and guayƔbana, (guayƔbana is a really cool prickly-pokey cactus-like delicious fruit), as well as all sorts of tropical fruits I have never even seen. We spent the last few days installing solar panels, getting to ride down tiny mud and rock roads in the back bed of a pickup truck. We waded through pig pens and across rivers to little houses almost all of which the people built themselves, and the families were really excited to have a light in their house. We spent half an hour yesterday getting the truck unstuck from the mud.

My host family is amazing. They have a 19 year old girl and a son who is in his early 20s. I am growing to love beans, rice, and maize tortillas, our food at each meal.

It was my host mom´s birthday yesterday, so we bought a cake for her and had a party with all the neighbors and she was really touched. There were definitely a few tears and lots of hugs. The community here really understands what is means to have a community. Everyone knows each other, often are related to each other, and always visit and call and really care about each other. It is really beautiful to see.
Also I LOVE the people on my trip, especially the girls I am living with. We spend a lot of time thinking about development and power issues and sustainability, so it is really my type of group. I am so happy I came, but I'm excited to see you guys soon.



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