Sunday, June 12, 2011

It all began with a pair of bright red shorts.

Today, we* decided that it had been far too long since our last grand adventure. One of our favorite ways to adventure has always been via the Burke Gilman bike trail. It provided us with endless hours of entertainment, so today we decided to give back to the community.

Let us explain. Laura has always been tall, and her hair has always been of the sandy blonde (not "blond" because "blonde" is more feminine and we need that sort of self-esteem boost after today) variety. However, Hilary has always been slightly more vertically challenged, a handicap that has plagued her life for decades (yes, decades now). As a result, a good chunk of our friendship has consisted of trying to convince our parents that we could pass for sisters. Neither one of us was brave enough to dye our hair, and Hilary was never particularly skilled at walking with stilts. As a result, we resorted to wearing identical clothing, in hopes that this would somehow mask the naturally occurring physical discrepancies.
Today, we decided to relive a piece of that childhood. With bright red shorts.

We dug through Laura's reserves of old clothing until we found the gloriously attractive ensembles you see in these pictures.
In short (get it?), we roller bladed for 8 miles, clad as you see us in this picture. We didn't have enough fingers to count the funny looks we received as we went.
1. The grimace: This look included a lip curl which implied that we were ridiculous. Not in the funny, cute way, but in the "...wait, what??" sort of way.
2. The adorable stare: Usually given by older couples who were walking by. They decided that we were cute, not entertaining. The smile and the crinkled eyes let us know that we were in fact still capable of looking like teenagers. Or preteens.
3. The small child gawk: Every child we passed had no shame in staring at us with their mouths open, an expression of shock, surprise, but somehow never amusement.
Mission accomplished.

*co-authorship is awesome. And Laura's name will go before Hilary's because D'Asaro comes before Lim in the alphabet.

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