Sunday, April 10, 2011

Darkening of days

The situation has gotten worse- much worse.

*Cracking radio*

Hello Kirkland,

I know it seems unusual that such a beautiful day could occur during the Zombie Apocalypse, but hey, I guess it's global warming, right? In any case, here are the counts as of midnight last night:

37 Humans.
119 Zombies.

I have no supply cards left, and these are only attainable through supply drops at various locations around Harvard. If I don't turn one in each day, I will become one of them.

Thus, I and other humans made the mission across campus, late at night after the sun had set. As I had the biggest gun, I took up the rear, shooting zombies as I went with a powerful blast of water I hope they will not soon forget. Yet, even when stunned, the zombies followed us, texting the other still live zombies of our location.

I, but at last we reached the science center and I received my supply card, but I knew the zombies were outside and our trek back would be much harder than the one here.

I couldn't handle it. I was terrified. I have worked too hard to lose now, so I abandoned the group and ran to the nearest safe zone I knew of.

Thus, here I am, sitting on the bathroom floor a quarter mile away from my soft safe bed, waiting, and I know the zombies are waiting for me too, but I will wait longer.

I will not lose.

Over and out.

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