Thursday, April 7, 2011

The Zombie Situation

*the radio crackles*

"Hi Kirkland,

I hope that there are still some of you out there to listen to this. This infestation is threatening to tear our House apart from within (you know what they say about a House divided...), but I know that we can pull through. Work together, but be cautious. Constant vigilance!

The first day, there was 1 zombie. The second, 7. The third, 24. Today, there are 81 active zombies ready to kill, so watch out! To the 76 remaining humans: good luck!

Over and out."

--The Kirkland Survival Network Emergency Broadcast Channel

As you can tell, the situation has gotten much more dire since I last blogged. The zombies are closing in. I have barred all windows and doors, but their dead hands and constant moans are constantly penetrating the walls of my sanity... I was attacked in the boat house after crew practice, but luckily I am still alive to tell the story. I carry two spray bottles and a super-soaker with me at all times, but no corner, no doorway, no garbage can is safe, for within each a zombie may be lurking...

However, I am ready for attack. The following three pictures outline proper zombie attacking technique.

Over and out-
Your still human friend/daughter,


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