Tuesday, April 5, 2011

A Hodgepodge of Fun

All sorts of excitement is afloat in the life of Laura D'Asaro. We had our first crew practice on the water (Haha, get it, afloat???). It was pretty windy and actually rowing in a boat is kind of scary. Everyone kept catching crabs, and I'm not used to all the crew terms they use yet, and it was altogether a bit of a struggle, just balancing the boat, and getting even a few people rowing at the same time. However, we did get better, and there were moments when we were in sync that felt great!

My Swahili class also preformed at African theater night, and we told a story about a genie who is tricked by a little girl. The play was in Swahili, but here is a summary in English. The girl is from a poor family and finds a bottle on the ground. She picks it up and hears a strange voice.

Narrator 2: As soon as the girl opened the bottle, the little creature started to grow, and grow, and grow, until it became a huge giant.

Prepare yourself! I`m going to eat you! I have been here for a long time, and I am very hungry!

Wait, wait… before you do, I have to be sure that it was you who was inside the bottle…then you can eat me.

But it was me! You saw me!

Girl: Prove it!

Spirit: How?

Get smaller again!

Very well… then I will eat you!

Narrator 1: Then the giant got smaller, and smaller, and smaller, and the girl closed the bottle again quickly.

Let me out! If you do, I will do whatever you want me to do! Let me out! I will make you rich! I`m telling you the truth! Let me out of here!

You have to promise that you will not eat me!

Spirit: I promise.

Narrator 2:
The girl opened the bottle, and the little creature started to grow, until it became a huge giant once again.

Thank you!

How can you help me?

Take this handkerchief. When you cover a metal object with it, the metal will turn into silver.

Girl: Go now… you are free!

In the end, the girl becomes rich and lives happily ever after :)
We literally memorized our lines today, so I'd say it went pretty well.

We are also in the midst of playing human's versus zombies, so today along with my hair all in braids and an African outfit, as well as my broom, turned into axe prop, I was carrying a water guns and looking around constantly, completely paranoid as I walked to class. Those poor Cambridge citizens must have thought I was pretty weird :)

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