Saturday, April 9, 2011

Surrounded By Zombies...

I have heard no crackling of the radio for three days now. All communication from the outside has stopped, and I can trust nobody. I returned to my dorm yesterday to find 4 zombies lying flat in my stairwell, waiting for me. With a lot of screaming and squirting, I managed to stun them all, but it was quite frightening. I know the number of zombies waiting to eat my brains will only grow as the days go on.

This Friday, a helicopter will come and rescue the remaining humans, who will win both monetary prizes and great fame in the world, that is if there are any humans left... However, in this final showdown, the humans must run across the courtyard to the helicopter while 150 zombies try and attack them!

I knew if I were going to survive, I had to get help, and so I went to MIT to the technical experts of the world for advice (I.E. my amazing brother). I am camping out here for now, away from the zombies. I can't say too much, but if I make it to Friday alive, I will give you a hint of what we have in store for those zombies...

Take a look.

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