Friday, April 29, 2011


Spring is kind of magical here in Boston. One week ago, it was still 45 degree sweater weather, and now it feels like summer. You blink, and suddenly everything is blooming. The grass, which had died over the winter is suddenly green and lush, and the world is more beautiful than I ever imagined. I studied outside all day, and I even got a little sunburned... Crazy!

We had our first crew race yesterday. We have been practicing hard, and we have come a long ways as a team. It was a time trial, so we weren't racing against other boats, but we thought it went well. We had a good tail wind, and we all were rowing together, going faster than we ever have before. Then, we got the results... Turns out we were a whole minute slower than the fastest team, which is pretty bad, considering they took less than 4 minutes. We came in last place by a pretty big margin. We are all laughing about it, and it has been a good season. I'll definitely do it again next year.

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