Friday, September 10, 2010

Harvard Carnival

Day 19
Sept. 10, 2010

I love having to classes on Friday! All this week I have been waking up at 7:00 AM, but today I got to sleep in until 10:00! So wonderful. I finished buying all my textbooks, and get this. One of my books is called "A Cartoon Guide to Statistics." It is hilarious and actually a really good textbook. I'm actually really excited for this semester.

Now, you may be wondering- what is this beautiful picture. Well, let me tell you. First of all, this picture is good because I GOT A NEW CAMERA! As you may have noticed, I have gotten behind on my blog because I haven't had a working camera, but get ready everyone, because now I can post a pic daily :) The picture (s) of the day are of the Harvard Carnival- that's right everyone! We get our own carnival. It is part of the attempt to get Harvard students to actually have social interactions with each other, especially now that Harvard has been put on the Princeton review's list of worst party schools. We had giant inflatables, cotton candy, and Miriam and I rode a mechanical bull!!! I actually stayed on for quite a while. I Heart Harvard!

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