Monday, September 27, 2010

What color is my hair?

Day 32
Sept. 23, 2010

So, today somebody asked me "what color is your hair?", and I realized this is a big problem in my life. My hair is reddish, brownish, blondish. Thus, the picture of the day tody is actually a collection of three pictures, representing the range of colors my hair can be. The first represents blond, the second red, and the third brown. Now, this may not seem like a big deal, but think about the implications! Should I be insulted by blond jokes? Should I wear the color green, traditionally supposed to look good on red-heads? What about state ideas, driver licenses, and all other official forms? They always ask you to fill in your hair color, and what am I to say?? What if I can't be identified in an emergency because I have the wrong hair color???

Its a big problem.


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