Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Picture Book Post

Day 24
Sept. 15, 2010

Once upon a time there was a girl named Laura who didn't like to to homework. She had a big test coming up, and was upset because she wanted to play with her friends instead. First she thought if she made a really sad face, maybe her teacher would feel so bad for giving them a test that she would cancel it and take them out to ice-cream instead. Unfortunately, the teacher didn't.

So she thought maybe if she ate her homework, she wouldn't have to study. "Rawwr!" She said. But she knew paper tasted gross, and the teacher probably wouldn't accept the excuse "I ate my homework..."

So, she got to work studying. She studied and studied and studied until she couldn't take it anymore. She made one last angry face and...

She did really well on the test! "Yay!" She said. "Now I am done and I can play with my friends!" and off she went.

That's right boys and girls! The moral of this story is you should do your homework instead of eating it.

(So happy to be done!)

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