Friday, September 10, 2010


Day 15
Sept. 6, 2010

So, I went rock climbing today with Nick and a few other Harvard Mountaineering club members today in New Hampshire! I have to admit, I didn't really know what I was getting myself into. I've been climbing indoors before, but... well when I arrived and realized how high these cliffs I was supposed to be climbing were, I was pretty intimidated.

After giving me the quick lesson on what to do, they started me off on on a route they said should be pretty easy. However, I got about five feet up, didn't know where to put my hands, and grasping onto the cliff with all the strength I could I said "Nick, I really don't think this is my sport!! Let me down!" But, then I tried an easier one, and it was actually pretty fun. I am definitely not a natural rock-climber, but I'm really glad I went. We spent the whole day there, but one big problem was my shoes were way too small and it made climbing pretty painful, so I quit early.

After it got dark we all ran down to a little pond, and went swimming in the dark. It was COOOLD, and so we all dipped in and went screaming and laughing back to the car.

The picture of the day is of the first cliff I was going to climb, but couldn't get up. Pretty big, isn't it? There is an actual picture of me climbing, but it is on someone else's camera, so I'll post it when I get it!

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