Thursday, September 16, 2010

I love my Roommates

Day 25
Sept. 16, 2010

This picture of the day is actually from about two weeks ago, but I just got it off of Jenny's camera. I just wanted to write about how awesome my roommates are! We are all so different that there is no way in a million years we would all be living together if it weren't for freshman year, but we all get along really well. Here's a little bit about each (from left to far right and back to middle in the picture).

First, there is Rose. From being a manager at Harvard Student Agencies, to keeping us up to date on fashion and parties, Rose is truly amazing and often my go-to girl for advice on the social scene and on life. (Love you Rose).

Then, there is Jenny, who seems to be involved in everything here on campus. With a billion political and Harvard events a week, I wouldn't go to half the events here without her. (Love you Jenny).

Finally, From being my encyclopedia for the world to being my roomie, I love Miriam. Our random fact is we have the exact same taste in food, and she is always up for trying something spontaneous. From crazy Africa room decorating parties to random acts of fun, Miriam is an amazing girl to live with.

Aww, Rose is sleeping on the window seat as I am writing this and she is so cute. My crazy, busy, incredible, roommates. We had better stay in touch for the rest of our lives, because I can't wait to find out who these incredible people will do with their lives.

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