Friday, September 10, 2010

Brought to You by the Letter S

Day 18
Sept. 9, 2010

Today was study card day. That means we have to turn in what we want to study, so here it is! This is my schedule for this semester-brought to you today by the letter S.

Statistics- Your Chance for Happiness or Misery
African Studies 11- Introduction to African Studies

Oh, also, every Thursday my house has Stein Club (Also brought to you by the letter S), where they serve food and alcohol, and everyone comes to socialize. Today was the first one! The theme was back to school, and so they set up four-square outside, and we ate things like Oreos and string cheese.

And I almost forgot the best part! I have no class on Fridays! So, I can party all I want Thursday, and that's what my picture of the day represents! (It doesn't matter if in reality I stayed in and studied spanish....)

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