Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Study Study Bo-Buddy Banana-Fanana Fo Fuddy Mi My Mo Muddy, Study!

Day 23
Sept. 14, 2010

I studied all day today. I have a quiz tomorrow on all Africa's countries, capitals, major cities, and landscape, and I really want to do well! That on top of 10 pages in Swahili to read, and I sat in my closet all day and read.

On another note, I am going to be published! My report I wrote about going to Kenya was selected to be read by selection committees and Harvard students who want to study abroad :)

Also, I got a job cleaning bathrooms! I know, doesn't sound very exciting, BUT I get to meet lots of cool people working in partners, or if I work alone, it is a great time to listen to my Ipod and brush up on my spanish with podcasts. I'm actually pretty excited. I am going to training on how to clean bathrooms tomorrow. Mom and Dad- You better watch out because I might just clean the bathroom when I get home!

Alright, I should stop procrastinating and go study! So, here's the picture of the day! I managed to get outside for just a moment on my way to the dining hall, so here it is!

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