Tuesday, September 28, 2010

What is this wet stuff falling on my head?

Day 37
Sept. 28, 2010

I got rained upon. No rain is the wrong word. Poured upon. No, still not good enough. Torrential downpour? Closer. Pluvial avalanche of misfortune? Alright, maybe a bit of an exaggeration, but really! I need to buy an umbrella.

So I had a required financial training in the Quad, which for you non-Harvard folk, is a set of dorms and buildings about 15 minutes from where I live, and there is a shuttle that runs back and forth.

So, being from Seattle, I always think I know about rain, but.. well you'll see.

Anyway, so the shuttle doesn't show up, and after 25 minutes, I am already late, so I decide to walk there. I am already completely soaked. I walk with a few other people in the same situation, and finally we arrive. I walk in dripping water on everything, only to be told, they have JUST shut the doors and are no longer allowing people in, and I will have to come to the make-up training on Friday.


Picture of the day: So luckily, I didn't have my camera in the rain, or I would no longer have a camera. However, that also means I don't have a picture of me for today. So, instead I thought I'd share my notebooks. I have been decorating my notebooks since elementary school. It used to be glitter and feathers and flowers, and all sorts of craziness, but now that I am in college, I decided to be a little more sophisticated and use photos. The two for my Africa classes are actually photos from Kenya over this summer! E&M 16= Empirical and Mathematical Reasoning 16 (Statistics) AAAS=African and African American Studies, and well, you know the rest.

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